︎Submission Guidelines︎

DEADLINE: FEB. 6, 2024

We accept visual and written artworks from
current undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Guelph.

Please name your file(s) with the title and your first name & last name
(ex. February_FirstLast).

※ Poetry and short stories must be limited to 850 words per piece

How To Submit Your Work

1. Scroll down and click 'Submit Now!' at the bottom of this page

2. Enter all critical information
※ Please name your file(s) even if it is untitled.

3. Upload your file(s) (doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png, etc.)
※ Please do not submit PDFs
※ Multiple files are accepted (please separate the files if they are different series)
※ IMPORTANT: If submitting visual art, image MUST be at least 300 dpi (this is to ensure photo quality in the printed magazine)

4. Let us know what type of submission you are sending us (e.g. fiction, poetry, painting, sculpture, photograph, print...)

5. Write a short blurb about yourself (1-3 sentences) in the third person ("Jane Doe is a Studio Art major...")

6. Leave us any Special Instructions you may have

7. Click 'Submit'

Email us at kaleidoscopeguelphu@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.

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©Kaleidoscope Magazine 2022-2023